Index of Archive from Hartlebury Parish Hall
Box 1
- Attendance log at meetings 1969 – 1990
- List of PHMC member 1955 – 1983
- Hiring of Village Halls 1974
- The National Council of Social Service Model Rules for Village Halls 1969
- Construction of Hartlebury Parish Hall - UNDATED
- Leases
(i) 1956
(ii) 1960
(iii) 1962
(iv) 2006
- Resolution of 2014 which is the Halls current Governing Document
- Land Registry Documents as at 2008
Box 2
- Committee Papers and Correspondence 1966 – 1973 Chair Ron Fry
- Newspapers Cuttings 1955 – 61
- AGM Reports and Accounts 1955 – 1965
- Programme for Concert 14 April 1956 by Worcester Operatic and Dramatic Society (raising money to pay down the debt on the building of the Hall)
- Building Committee Minutes 1956
- Hall Opening October 1955
- Association of Rural District Council Surveyors Journal Winter 1955 (Ron Fry’s article about how the Hall was built)
- Photographs of the 1954 build (mostly captioned)
- Parish of Hartlebury Coronation Programme 1953 (in which the plan to build a ‘Coronation’ Hall is first mooted.
Box 3
- Press Cuttings 1980s
- AGMS 1986/87
- 1988 AGM
- 1988 Meeting
- 1986/88 Statement of Accounts
- 1989 Grant Application for Toilet upgrade
- 1984-1988 Correspondence
- 1980 – 1984 Correspondence
- 1980s Hall Stationery
- 1980 Booking Form
- 1975 -79 Correspondence
- 1974 – 76 Paperwork relating to proposed stone at Parish Hall
- 1973 – 74 Correspondence
Box 4 – Diamond Jubilee
- October 2024 Hartlebury Parish Magazine
- Afternoon Tea Invitations
- CD of 1950s music and events
- Speech by Committee Secretary and Speech by Paul West Deputy Lieutenant of Worcestershire
- Copy of the 1953 Parish of Hartlebury Coronation Celebrations in 1953
- Copies of articles from the Parish Magazine recounting the story of the building of the Parish Hall and its renovation in the 2000s when cladding was added and the whole Hall overhauled.
- Pictures from the 1954 build (captioned)
- Various documents from newspapers and private collections concerning the Hall build
- Images of the ‘before’ and ‘after’ of the Parish Hall
Not in boxes
- Collage of the 1953-1955 building of the Hall
- Manilla folder – details of Hall refurbishments 2006 – 2018 and photographs of pre-clad Hall