theWI Programme of Events

theWI Inspiring Women

Programme Schedule 2022

January 12Midlands Air Ambulance
Competition: Picture of a helicopter
Charley Burke
February 9Toys through Time
Competition: Favourite toy
Paul Harding
Discover History
March 9History & Mystery of Magic
Competition: Anything blue
Jack Dent
April 13Quiz with Fish & Chip Supper (cost £10)
Competition: Most difficult quiz question
Annie Hulbert
May 11An Undertaker's Tales
Competition: Interesting or strange tale from your family tree
Zoe Ketch
June 8Sailing around the world
Competition: Home
Jackie Oakey
July 13Africa—the good, the bad & the ugly!
Competition: A wild animal encounter
Robert & Penny Greenwood
September 14Droitwich Salt & Ice Cream
Competition: A new ice cream flavour
Will Kerton
Churchfields Farm
October 12
Craft Collection
Annual Meeting
Competition: Favourite handmade craft
Rosie Wynne
November 9Cookery Demonstration
Competition: Cookery item you can't live without
Shirley Cadman
December 14Christmas Meal
All meetings will be held in the parish hall at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated


Hartlebury WI has produced a centenary book to commemorate 100 years as a village group. We are selling the book at £4.50 per copy to non-members. This is a non-profit making project and we just trying to cover our costs.

Copies can be ordered via Dawn Bradley on 01299 250532 or email

Hartlebury WI 100 Years

Worcestershire Federation of WIs